I'd love your feedback
If you could take 90 seconds and fill out this survey, I'd be much obliged.
tl;dr - I made a subscriber survey: please fill out this very short (90-second) survey to help me produce the best content for you. 🙏
Why I need your feedback
This newsletter has grown a lot in the last six months.
I think the first two subscribers were my old boss and my college roommate (hey Mitch and Jordan!).
Now I don’t know who anyone is. So I’m hoping to learn more about you.
I think customer insights are precious. I want to better understand your role, professional interests and struggles, and the types of content you want.
I’m at a point in this journey where I need to decide where I’m going to invest time and energy. Your feedback will help me focus on what will be most useful.
This survey will not destroy your soul
We’ve all been suckered into surveys that we start with good intentions.
And then one screen turns to two and three.
You realize with horror that you have no idea what you’ve begun.
Every question is a multi-dimensional rating scale and is mandatory. There’s no end in sight. 😱
The good news - this is not one of those surveys.
I exercised the utmost restraint to keep it to only eight questions. It is one page. (There may be a few rating questions - don’t hate me.)
I timed myself completing it. It took 90 seconds. That’s how long it takes…
…for a Marketo smart campaign to save changes these days. 🥁
…to load a lead record in Salesforce Lightening. 🥁
…for finance to reject your latest budget request for new ops headcount. 🥁
Anyhow, it’s not a survey you’ll regret taking.
Some things I’m thinking about
In case you’re curious, here are some ideas I’m mulling over. (These are all in addition to the podcast - that’s not going anywhere.)
Turning on a paid tier of this newsletter for short-form written content (snackable and actionable tips to help you level up) or long-form written content (frameworks, how-to guides, etc.)
On-demand training
Live, cohort-based training
AMA / office hours / group coaching
Members-only podcast / videocast (snackable and actionable tips to help you level up)
Something else?
So if you love one or more of these ideas OR if you hate them all and don’t want me to waste my time, it only takes 90 seconds to let me know. 😊
If you’re still on the fence, here are pictures of my dogs, Finn and Andy. They’re good boys.